We have non-invasive, painless tests that could save your life
Carotid Artery Ultrasound imaging is used to detect blockages or plaque build-up in the carotid arteries in the neck. This test takes ultrasound pictures of the arteries supplying blood to the brain, which allows us to visualize inside the arteries and detect any plaque build-up.
No preparation is needed for this test: however, we do recommend wearing a shirt/blouse with a low collar.
Abdominal Aortic Ultrasound imaging is used to detect aneurysm of the largest artery in the body – the abdominal aorta. This test takes ultrasound pictures that show any dilatation or enlargement of the walls of the aortic artery (aneurysm).
Please do not eat or drink 4 hours prior to exam.
We recommend wearing a two-piece outfit, so you will not need to undress.
Ankle Brachial Index Study (ABI) is used to detect arterial blockage in the legs. This test uses Doppler ultrasound and ankle/arm blood pressure comparisons to determine the presence of plaque in the arteries of the legs. Persons with an abnormal ABI are at risk for peripheral arterial disease, and may have increased risk for heart attack or stroke.
No preparation is needed for this test; however, you will be asked to remove your socks and shoes.
Low-dose CT is a type of imaging test that uses a low dose of radiation to make detailed pictures of the inside of the body using an x-ray machine. This test scans the chest to check for lung nodules (small, abnormal areas in the lungs). Most lung nodules are not cancerous, but detecting and monitoring these nodules can help your doctor catch lung cancer early.
The two most important risk factors for lung cancer are smoking and older age. People considered at high risk according to the new criteria are: people 50-80 years of age with a 20 pack-year smoking history who currently smoke or have quit within the past 15 years.
A “pack-year” is defined as smoking a pack of cigarettes a day or an equivalent amount.
All of these non-invasive screenings are painless and require about 15 minutes per test.
Risk factors are conditions that make a person more likely to develop a disease. The risk factors for heart attack, carotid artery disease, AAA and PAD are similar since all these are cardiovascular conditions.
Your doctor can provide advice and treatment for your individual risk factors.